Lv3 프로그래머스(Programmers)[Python][파이썬] 블록 이동하기


# 풀이 과정
from collections import deque

def arround(x, y, check_x, check_y):
check = [[(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y)], [(x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]]

for i in check:
if (check_x, check_y) in i:
d = i

k = []

for nx, ny in d:
if nx != x:
k.append((nx, ny, nx, check_y))
elif ny != y:
k.append((nx, ny, check_x, ny))

return k

def solution(board):
m = len(board)
n = len(board[0])
# 이동
dx = [1, -1, 0, 0]
dy = [0, 0, 1, -1]

# 회전8,이동4

robot = ((0, 0), (0, 1))

q = deque([((0, 0), (0, 1), 0)])

visit = set([])

result = float("inf")

while q:
z = q.popleft()

if (m - 1, n - 1) in z:
result = min(result, z[2])

x1, x2 = z[0][0], z[0][1]
y1, y2 = z[1][0], z[1][1]
count = z[2]

if not ((z[0]), (z[1])) in visit or not ((z[1]), (z[0])) in visit:
visit.add(((z[0]), (z[1])))
visit.add(((z[1]), (z[0])))


# 이동
for nx, ny in zip(dx, dy):
if 0 <= nx + x1 < m and 0 <= ny + x2 < n and 0 <= nx + y1 < m and 0 <= ny + y2 < n:
if board[nx + x1][ny + x2] == 0 and board[nx + y1][ny + y2] == 0 and not ((nx + x1, ny + x2), (
nx + y1, ny + y2)) in visit and not ((nx + y1, ny + y2), (nx + x1, ny + x2)) in visit:
q.append(((nx + x1, ny + x2), (nx + y1, ny + y2), count + 1))
# visit.add(((nx+x1,ny+x2),(nx+y1,ny+y2)))
# visit.add(((nx+y1,ny+y2),(nx+x1,ny+x2)))

check = arround(x1, x2, y1, y2)

for nx, ny, mx, my in check:
if 0 <= nx < m and 0 <= ny < n:
if board[nx][ny] == 0 and board[mx][my] == 0 and not ((nx, ny), (x1, x2)) in visit and not ((nx, ny), (
x1, x2)) in visit:
q.append(((x1, x2), (nx, ny), count + 1))
# visit.add(((x1,x2),(nx,ny)))
# visit.add(((nx,ny),(x1,x2)))

check = arround(y1, y2, x1, x2)

for nx, ny, mx, my in check:
if 0 <= nx < m and 0 <= ny < n:
if board[nx][ny] == 0 and board[mx][my] == 0 and not ((nx, ny), (y1, y2)) in visit and not ((nx, ny), (
y1, y2)) in visit:
q.append(((y1, y2), (nx, ny), count + 1))
# visit.add(((y1,y2),(nx,ny)))
# visit.add(((nx,ny),(y1,y2)))
return result